Sunday, February 12, 2012

You Are God's Best Idea! Daily Epigram for: February 12, 2012

You Are God's Best Idea! Daily Epigram for:
February 12, 2012
"Learn to love being in your own company if you want others to join in your enterprise.”-Douglas Holzmeier

The Law of Attraction works equally well at repulsion. And that’s a good thing. Life is a gift exchange. We want to partner with people who are congruent with our ideas; dreams and goals. 

In the Thesaurus – the synonyms for attraction include: allure – chemistry – enchantment – endearment – invitation – and magnetism. All of your manifestations must begin with your own self-love and acceptance. Some call this being comfortable in your own skin. In the story I shared a few days ago about my friend Janette who has the disease called Neurofibromatosis – she knows how loved and beloved she is. Despite the pain of a thousand tumors – her self-love and acceptance makes her comfortable in her own skin. Her light attracts and her story inspires.

Some additional synonyms for attraction are of a negative nature: bait – come-on – enticement – lure – pull – seduction and temptation. This is what the con-man or fraudster uses to manufacture success as opposed to revealing their divine inheritance. There have been a lot of famous swindlers – an alarming number in the last 10 or so years with the last names of Madoff – Minkow – Pearlman – Kozlowski – Ebbers – Lay – and from the 1920s - Charles Ponzi – who the Ponzi pyramid scheme is named after. Some of these people still exclaim their innocence or ignorance. The courts disagreed. 

All of these men – and millions of others - are not void of talent or inherent divinity – just character.  And when did they compromise their character? They we’re not born that way. Every moment offers a choice to be the love that we are or scheme to create a synthetic energy that does not last or pay tribute to a lasting legacy. Change your character – change your life.

Sanity deliberately finds company in the solitude of those who allow the crusade of fools pass by. Your dream is your own business – so keep it open and associate with those who share in similar convictions. Staying one step ahead of the competition puts you two steps behind your creation. You waste energy trying to beat the other guy.  Using a golf analogy - the best golfers are trying to shoot a particular score to win a tournament. They start a round saying I need to post a 66 to win. If their focus is on beating the players in their group – they may be passed by a contestant in another pairing. 

In the fall of our economy that was fueled in great part by the mortgage industry and financial institutions – some companies were trying to have it both ways. They were selling products (debt) they knew were bad all the while taking out insurance policies to protect themselves if the products failed. A house divided against itself cannot stand. It is why you must make where you live – a home of harmony. People who want to venture and invest with you and your message will make their way to your door if you leave the light on.

At the end of the day - it doesn’t matter whether anyone has kept their promises to you – it’s whether you have honored your own. I promise – however – that if you honor yourself – others will take your cues. Be careful not to con yourself. If you attempt to harvest more than you have sown – you’ll earn the deficit of deception. If you haven’t achieved all you want by now – understand that you are not finished. You are perfection in progress. 

You must love your message if you want others to join in your calling. You have an entrepreneurial spirit. You are going where no one has gone before. You are on the SS Enterprise. The successful person knows that the best reason in life to get ahead is to show the way.

You Are God's Best Idea!

~Douglas Holzmeier
Author of You Are God's Best Idea! Divine Acceptations and Living the Undeniable Life! (Balboa Press/Hay House)

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