Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Are you ready for some football? My favorite is college football, (Ohio State) followed by the NFL. This year though, I'm adding high school football. Our son is playing for the Tri-Cities Prep Jaguars. Yes...actually playing...as a 5-9/210pound freshman. (#70 in the photo) Something I didn't expect to happen until at least next year if not later.

Tri-Cities Prep played a school called Easton on Friday night and they barely had enough players to field a team...and this is 8-man football. I gotta give the kids of Easton major props because they played both ways for three quarters until the 45 point rule kicked in. The Jaguars won 46-0. Danny got in during the 1st quater and played nose guard. He stayed in on defense until the game was over. All the Prep kids got to play and play they did. It was so surreal to see Danny out there. He is suffering from chin splints so even walking has been hard on him the last couple weeks. Still...he played and played hard. He played with such intensity that his teammates now call him: Danimal!!!

Daniel was uncertain about playing football. At the school orientation in June, the principle of Prep (Steve Potter) asked the kids (and parents) to go beyond uncertainty. It's always easier to "sit this one out" when you're not sure about outcomes. The winners are those who DON'T KNOW how things are going to go...that get in the game anyway...that are rewarded the most in life.

Danny...you've made mom and dad proud; not because you made a game saving tackle, but because you tackled your uncertainy.
We love you!



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